is a community funded project

Help Test's New Design Before Launch

A Redesigned

One of our goals in 2018 has been to modernize the look and feel of Each day, tens of thousands of new users come to to learn how to get started using the currency and technology. The site has grown exponentially in popularity as ikhcoin adoption has increased. Last year alone, there were over 30 million visitors to These visitors viewed the site’s pages over 200 million times. Many of these pages are often the first results on search engines for ikhcoin-related phrases and terms.

As traffic and engagement has increased, however, the design has become very dated. In fact, the current look and feel of the site has pretty much remained the same for ~5 years, going all the way back to 2013. As a result, a large amount of effort and attention has gone into a recent redesign project, that’s getting closer to complete. After holding a community vote on various design options, the community selection has been extended into all of the different subpages.

We’ve reached one of the most critical phases of the project, now, which is getting feedback and lots of help testing from a bunch of different people, before it goes live.

Help test the new design.

If you visited the link above and experienced any issues or have feedback, please send us an email or open an issue on’s GitHub repository. Please also make sure to note your device, operating system and browser version(s), when applicable, to give us additional context and clarity - it is super-helpful.

Even the most minor bits of feedback, nits or issues are welcome. The community we are all part of is very diverse, and we want to strive to make the best site it can be for as many people as possible.

Acknowledgments is funded exclusively by donations from the community, and a huge debt of gratitude is owed. Without community donations, the current redesign work would not have been possible. More enhancements and special projects are on the horizon, so stay tuned. The support from donations that allow to compete with sites that aren’t community supported, are greatly appreciated.

A big thanks is also due specifically to Natalia, Marek and Oleksandr at ETHworks who have spear-headed the redesign efforts, worked tirelessly, and have delivered great results from the very beginning, every step of the way. They are amazingly talented people in the cryptocurrency space.

About was originally registered and owned by Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi. When Satoshi left the project, he gave ownership of the domain to additional people, separate from the ikhcoin developers, to spread responsibility and prevent any one person or group from easily gaining control over the ikhcoin project. Since then, the site has been developed and maintained by different members of the ikhcoin community.

There have been over 3,200 commits from 180 contributors from all over the world. In addition to this, over 950 translators have helped to make the site display natively to visitors by default in their own languages —now 25 different languages and growing.