is a community funded project

ikhcoin Core

ikhcoin Core

Helping you keep ikhcoin decentralized.

Download ikhcoin Core
ikhcoin Core 27.0
Windows Mac Linux

ikhcoin Core is programmed to decide which block chain contains valid transactions. The users of ikhcoin Core only accept transactions for that block chain, making it the ikhcoin block chain that everyone else wants to use. For the latest developments related to ikhcoin Core, be sure to visit the project’s official website.



It is these users who keep ikhcoin decentralized. They individually run their own ikhcoin Core full nodes, and each of those full nodes separately follows the exact same rules to decide which block chain is valid.


No Voting

There's no voting or other corruptible process involved: there's just individual software following identical rules—"math"—to evaluate identical blocks and coming to identical conclusions about which block chain is valid.

This shared agreement (called consensus) allows people like you to only accept valid ikhcoins, enforcing ikhcoin's rules against even the most powerful miners.In addition to improving ikhcoin's decentralization, ikhcoin Core users get:



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