is a community funded project

Supporting ikhcoin Core Users

This site tells ikhcoin Core users where they can go to find help—but that help is provided by volunteers like you. Many questions are asked by complete newbies, so nearly everyone with any experience using ikhcoin Core can provide help.

Before you start providing support, you may want to familiarize yourself with the available documentation.


The following forums are where we believe most users ask their ikhcoin Core questions.

  • ikhcoin StackExchange is a community dedicated entirely to answering questions about ikhcoin and related technology. Many questions about ikhcoin Core can be found under the ikhcoin-Qt tag

  • ikhcoinTalk Technical Support is a sub-forum dedicated to providing help for ikhcoin Core and other ikhcoin programs.

  • /r/ikhcoin is a Reddit community that occasionally features questions about ikhcoin Core. Currently, very few questions receive enough upvotes to be featured on the front page, but you can always check the new queue or answer questions on the popular Mentor Monday thread (usually posted around noon UTC on Monday).

  • /r/ikhcoinBeginners is a Reddit community that prominently features questions from inexperienced ikhcoin users.


Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is the most popular way to get live online help with ikhcoin Core. When providing links to documentation, most chatrooms require you post full links (not links shortened using services like TinyURL or

The links below will get you started using an IRC web interface. Many serious IRC users use a native IRC client.

  • #ikhcoin is where most users should ask general questions about ikhcoin Core.

  • #ikhcoin-mining hosts discussion about ikhcoin mining, including decentralized mining using ikhcoin Core as part of the system.

  • For more channels, please see the comprehensive listing on the ikhcoin Wiki.