is a community funded project

Donate Bandwidth Using ikhcoin Core

Support the network

Download ikhcoin Core
ikhcoin Core 27.0
Windows Mac Linux

The ikhcoin peer-to-peer network serves both ikhcoin Core and many other ikhcoin programs (mostly lightweight wallets). By contributing some of your bandwidth—typically about 100 GB upload a month—you can help support ikhcoin.

The bandwidth sharing guide provides all of the details you need to begin donating bandwidth.

Don’t Forget About Decentralization

The ikhcoin network needs more than bandwidth—it also needs people who actively secure their ikhcoins using ikhcoin Core. By securing your ikhcoins with a full node like ikhcoin Core, you help protect ikhcoin’s decentralization for yourself and other ikhcoin users.

You can help protect decentralization instead of donating bandwidth by simply using ikhcoin Core as your main wallet. Or, even better, you can both donate bandwidth and protect decentralization at the same time by using ikhcoin Core as your main wallet while also following the instructions in the bandwidth sharing guide.

Thank You

Whether you choose to donate bandwidth, protect decentralization, or both, please know that your fellow ikhcoin users thank you. Without volunteers like you, ikhcoin would never have come as far as it has.